Thursday, September 30, 2010

Response 2

          I want to talk about the activity we did in class last Thursday.  I thought it helped me to open my mind to different subjects for my poetry.  Since I do not usually express my thoughts and feelings on paper I am no  to great at it.  But when the Professor was reading words, I easily had reactions to all of them, and was able to write about it easily.  I think now that i should be able to just name any of my feelings and be able to write about it.
         Also I think it was great that everyone was able to go around the circle and give their opinions on the poetry packet.  I read all the poems and only understood a couple.  The ones that I did get, everyone else had different opinions on.  Which in my opinion is the great thing about poetry.  Everyone can read the same poem, and see it in a different way.  With neither being more wrong or right.
         Lastly I really want to talk about the faculty reading last night.  It opened my eyes to many different forms of poetry, and presentation.  The first presentation was extremely interesting.  I think her use of background noise was more distracting then helpful.  It was nonsensical and just took away from the overall experience.  I really enjoyed the second reader.  She chose some very interesting pieces and was able to read them in her own voice, which was outstanding.

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