Thursday, October 21, 2010

To After That

Renee Gladman admitted that To After That was a eulogy to an unfinished book.  If this was just the eulogy I am very curious to how that first book started, or would have ended.  It also made this book very complex and distracting.  A book about an unfinished book just made my mind wander more, which I assume was one of her goals.  Just like all the other readings from this semester so far.

            Throughout the book I thought there was an internal conflict of whether she was proud of what she had done, or upset she had not finished it.  At points she seems like she is complaining about not finishing what she started.  Which I can relate to since I am a competitive person, I hate the feeling of starting something and not being able to finish it.  On the other hand she also seems to be happy which what she has written.  Proud of what she started and genuinely upset she didn’t finish it.

            I think that this story was more about the lesson then the words.  That no matter what you should write as much as you can.  She wasn’t able to finish her other book so she wrote this one instead.  And that even if you do not finish something it doesn’t mean that it’s not good or you need to give up.  I think that connects greatly to creative writing, not everything I write will be good or finished, but its no excuse for me to stop writing.   

1 comment:

  1. good, use more specific examples and discussion from the book. 8/10
