Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mute Dancers

      I think thatMute Dancers: How to Watch a Hummingbird” was an extremely interesting essay.  It was an informative essay.  It had lots of very interesting and very random facts and information about humming birds.  Like I had no idea that humming birds had to restart their hearts when they wake up.  And that sometimes it doesn’t restart and they can die in their sleep.  I also like the facts about how the Native American’s viewed the humming bird.  She made it very obvious to see that the humming bird was an important symbol.  She also provided reasons that showed how little humming birds could be used to motivate warriors.

            I think that the form of this essay was a more traditional essay form.  It follows a logical order and is divvied into nice concise paragraphs.  Each paragraph is its own mini story.  I think that it works very well because each story is interesting to keep my attention, but also full of information.  She did a very good job at keep me entertained, while teaching me at the same time.  The content was educational stories.

            I think that another reason that I liked this story so much was the language.  She talked very simply and was easy to understand.  Most informational essays try to load up on so many facts that they use long sentences and big confusing words.  She was able to get all of her points across using to the point sentences and words.  So even though I did not have any prior specific knowledge of humming birds I was able to understand everything she was teaching.

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