Friday, December 10, 2010

final blog

            Over the course of the semester I think my writing has greatly improved.  My poetry has come the farthest over the weeks.  I think that at first I was kind of nervous to open up and expand.  But reading some of the class work, especially Blood Dazzler, opened my eyes to writing with emotion.  The class assignment where we wrote a poem about one word that you said out loud also helped.  It made me forget what I think and just write.  Write what I felt and what was going on with me.  It really helped me turn my poems from boring into insightful and personal.
            I also think my essay and fiction writing improved.   My biggest trouble was with the ending.  I thought it was hard to just wrap things up.  I could not think of a creative way to end the story without it seeming sudden.  I do not think I am perfect at this yet, but I have gotten better.  It is one thing that I think I will try to keep working on.  Also, even though it should be elementary, I could not keep my verb tense the same when I was writing my rough drafts.   This made me realize that I need to slow down and think while I first write, and also to proof read better.

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